Ergonomic and Sustainable Furniture
Creating safe, comfortable and sustainable environments starts with the right equipment.
Our solutions combine safety and sustainability, integrating protective elements and risk-prevention measures with energy-efficient products made from locally sourced, traceable materials. Designed for durability, our furniture for offices, schools and senior residences withstand daily wear, chemical exposure and intensive use while maintaining a high-quality finish. With hygiene as a top priority, we also offer specialized sanitation and disinfection equipment.
Browse our premium furniture catalogue and upgrade your space with smart, long-lasting solutions tailored to your needs. Our range of sustainable and ergonomic furniture promotes healthy posture, enhancing productivity and overall well-being in work, study and living environments. Plus, we strongly believe aesthetics matter, and ensure that every design contributes to a visually appealing and welcoming atmosphere.
Seguretat: Equipament per a les residències i les escoles. Elements que evitin situacions de risc, elements de protecció, prevenció de riscos laborals, etc.
Sostenibilitat: Estalvi energètic, proximitat, km0, traçabilitat del material, productes que també permeten optimitzar costos.
Confort: Confort tèrmic, acústic i el lumínic. Clima adequat, lluminària que acompanyi i condicionament acústic que redueixi qualsevol soroll.
Durabilitat: Productes resistents en el temps. Materials amb un bon envelliment, que no deteriorin i resistents a productes químics, detergents o desinfectants.
Imatge: Estètica del producte. Disseny agradable visualment.
Higiene: Equipament enfocat al benestar de les persones. Per incorporar als banys o punts de desinfecció, ara amb el Covid-19.
Ergonomia: Mobiliari per millorar la salut de les persones, que reforci la posició de adequada per treballar, estudiar, etc.